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#nofilter...shouldn't apply to our opinions too

Scribed by Abi


Welcome back to the Journal!

So... a little bit of a rant this week! Something has me questioning the role of media in our lives.

Have we gone too far?

On a lighter note, I've also popped in a couple of awesome activities for those 'stuck inside'days, and a recipe that's perfect for this rainy weather!



So, the big news this week?

Women have babies!

Yes, New Zealand, the leader of this great nation is pregnant; along with thousands of other women right at this very minute.

Now, before we get started, this is not a post about Jacinda Ardern, per se. However, as I started to edit the post that should've been posted today, I quickly glanced at my Google front page and couldn't believe the outrage that's pouring in about this!

Honestly, and I admit somewhat hypocritically, it's scary that the new generation of Press (the bloggers, the so-called social media 'influencers', John Doe from down the street) have free rein to say anything they want without check. Then there's the traditional band of journalists who still say what they want!

I wonder if all those who are pedalling negativity about this latest piece of news would say the same thing to Ms. Ardern, face-to-face. Would they be so vitriolic? Would they look into her eyes and tell her all the things they are writing about her?

Why is it that, in this day and age, are we still having the same conversation about working mothers?

Whatever your job, decide to go back to work or be a stay-at-home mum, you can't win. No matter who you are, you will face criticism at some point, from someone, for something that is none of anyone else's business. the difference is, is that most of us don't have to read it in the press or have it pop up on Social Media as we have our morning brew!

Yes, she is the Prime Minister but does that mean that's all she is?

Does that mean that all we are when we have a child is a mother? Do we lose the right to be anything else? To choose how we define ourselves, freely and without condemnation or unwanted opinions?

I know that when I became a mother, how I defined myself changed dramatically; even beyond how I expected it to. I know live an entirely different life to that I imagined. Luckily, I have been encouraged to be who I am now but what about those who aren't or can't be? Motherhood can be isolating enough without being left to feel that other people are taking control of who you are and how you are perceived.

Reading what I have today has made me think about the responsibility that I have when I write something. In the new age of social media, the 'blogosphere' and the Press all banding together to throw their two-pence into the conversation, are we, as mothers, left too exposed?

We have come to a point where #nofilter seems to apply to our opinions; as well as the perfectly snapped pictures we take. At what point do we take a stand and say, actually, that's off-limits; you've gone too far?

Having a baby is an intensely private choice. We should be praising her and showing our support, just as you would hope someone would do for you or your loved one.

Give her time to define herself, don't do it for her.


*Rainy Day Fun*

Bring on the messy play!

This foam play is fab for all ages.

Have a little scientist? Give them the ingredients and let them experiment. Are your kids into animals or numbers? Hide them in the foam or bury some treasure and watch them hunt for gold!

All you need is some hand soap, a bowl, whisk and it though, it gets slippery!

Fun for the teeny ones!

I found these brilliant sensory sticks over at 'The Baby Bump Diaries' (click here to visit the page).

Like I said last week, sensory play is so important at all ages and my son found them fascinating; right from being tiny until quite recently. Word of warning though...these should be used with adult supervision at all times.

All you need is some lolly sticks (the bigger the better) and a range of tactile materials. A hot glue gun worked the best when assembling. Again, your baby will put these in their mouths (that's the point) so use your judgement on what feels safe for you. Use the link above for ideas or Pinterest 'sensory sticks'.


(yum) Give this a try!(Yum)

Cottage Pie!

I can't take all the credit for this wonderful mum taught me how, I've just added a few bits!

(Yes, that photo is the actual meal, yes my boy is stealing my food and no, I'm not the best photographer)

  1. brown 500g of beef mince in a large pan, add 2 beef Oxo cubes as it cooks (don't add water, it will make the sauce too runny and the potato will sink!)

  2. cut about 4 rashers of bacon (add more or less to taste...I used sweet and smokey streaky bacon) into 1cm slices and add to the mince

  3. stir in smokey BBQ sauce to taste (I added about 2 tbsps)

  4. season with salt and pepper

  5. leave to simmer while you make the mashed potato (it should become a thick mixture)

  6. boil the potato until soft (I use 1 large potato per person) and mash until it's smooth and dough-like

  7. add butter (personal taste but I add a lot!), a splash of milk and mix until combined

  8. add in about a 1 to 1 1/2 cups of grated cheese and mix in

  9. add mince to a baking dish and top with mashed potato

  10. add more cheese on top and bake until the cheese is golden

  11. serve up with your favourite veggies and dig in!


Thank you for reading this week's Journal!

I would love to your feedback and for you to let me know if there's anything you would like to see featured here.

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